The JS-DOS tool is created by the JS-DOS team, it is designed to replicate DOSBOX for web browsers and other Javascript applications. But at the bottom, it is a simple MS-DOS emulator for your browser. To save your progress, please press the FLOPPY DISK ICON, and wait for save confirmation. F11 and F12 lower and boost CPU speed, and F1 will open your keymapper. Additionally, you can open an emulated keyboard by opening the EMULATOR SIDEPANE and pressing the NOTEPAD ICON. If any game is not automatically launching or is not unpacking, please alert me in the chatroom.
As for loading your own games, it must be a .jsdos file, a collection of larger DOS games are inside the extras file linked below the games selection. If you want to try your hand at compiling a .jsdos file, please use the js-dos compiling tool at . Suggest any games to be added to the extras collection in the chatroom.
This CSS layout cmes from TunnelSnakes.COM